Five Fun Fitness Games for Kids, Bounce House Style!

Family Fitness for Kids is Easy with a Bounce House!

Let’s be honest, guys: getting your kids to commit to exercise is a challenge, for most of us anyway. To avoid the huffs and the puffs, you pretty much need to dupe children into exercise by convincing them a healthy activity is fun.

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Fun Graduation and Birthday Party Ideas for Stir Crazy Kids

Let’s Not Forget the ‘Current Events’ that Aren’t on the News

We’ve all spent a lot of time lately talking about handwashing, face masks, and ventilators. We’ve all been doing our best to keep up with physical distancing, and trying to not hoard all of the toilet paper. But life is still happening, despite the current events on the news.

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How Much Does an Inflatable Water Slide Cost?

How Much is an Inflatable Water Slide? Are They Expensive?

Is there a more exciting way to cool off than flying down an inflatable water slide? If so, we’d love to know what it is. But while an inflatable water slide is definitely a blast to use, is it also a blast to your wallet? Just how much does an inflatable water slide cost, really?

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How to Deflate a Bounce House Properly

Knowing How to Deflate a Bounce House Matters

You got your bounce house set up and operational without a hitch. Everyone’s had a blast and enjoyed the bounce house thoroughly. But now it’s the end of the day, and a question arises. Do you know how to deflate a bounce house the right way?

A deflated bounce house

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Spring Clean Up: Getting Bouncers Ready for Summer Fun

Spring is Almost Here. Are You Planning for Summer Yet?

As the winter weather begins to fade, you might find yourself thinking about getting your bounce house out of storage. Let’s discuss getting inflatables out of the garage and into the sun again.

Most people probably know it’s nearly spring based on the calendar—it starts March 19th this year, on the vernal equinox—or by the slowly relenting winter weather.

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How to Clean a Bounce House the Right Way

Never Cleaned a Bounce House? No Problem!

We probably don’t need to explain to you just how important cleaning your bounce house is. But at face value, cleaning a bounce house seems daunting, doesn’t it? They’re so big! Do we really need to clean all of it? And where do you even begin? Can I learn how to clean a bounce house after just doing it one time?

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How to Choose the Perfect Inflatable Water Slide

Which Inflatable Water Slide is Best?

Finding the best inflatable water slide for your needs is sort of like choosing the ideal car. There are a whole lot of variables. There are all sorts of performance and aesthetic choices you’ll need to make. But at the end of the day, it’s your needs and your environment that will ultimately help you make a decision.

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Happy Valentine's Day from Lonestar Moonwalk Austin Bounce House!

Valentine’s Day: It’s Not Just the Candy (but the Candy Helps)

It’s Valentine’s Day, and love is in the air. Do you know what else is in the air? Kids, teens, and adults enjoying our bounce houses and vinyl crossover inflatables! We all know we had to make that pun, right? Sure, it wasn’t that clever, but it was right there!

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The Pogo Promise: Lonestar Moonwalk Austin Bounce House’s Commitment to Safety

As Parents, We Get It: Safety is All that Matters

If you’re a parent, you’re probably going to agree with this sentiment. Something changes inside you when you have a child. Your day to day priorities shift. You start looking at food more cautiously, and you’re a little less haphazard with seatbelts, and you end up with more medical supplies in your previously-barren medicine cabinet.

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